Why brush? Brushing your teeth stops the build up of plaque on your teeth. Plaque (a film of bacteria that coats your teeth) contributes to gum disease, tooth decay and is linked to other health problems such as heart disease...
10 reasons to smile
1. Smiling boosts your immune system – smiling and laughing decreases stress hormones, relaxes the body and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. 2. Smiling lowers blood pressure. – smiling and being happy can...
Dental decay in children
Unbelievably in the UK nearly half of all 8 year olds have visible signs of decay on their teeth! This fact from the British Dental Health Foundation is quite startling but also something that with the correct measures can be...
Don’t worry about visiting the dentist
5.5 million people in the UK are affected by dental phobia, with almost one in four saying they would rather suffer from toothache than visit the dentist. There are many reasons behind this fear, including fear of pain, needles, gagging...
Recommended oral hygiene products
Xylitol mints made by Peppersmith are sugar-free; instead they contain a naturally occurring sweetener Xylitol which actively reduces plaque and tooth decay. Xylitol inhibits bacteria growth and prevents acid attacks. It also reduces the bacteria’s ability to stick to your...